Shudder has shared a trailer and images for Grafted, the upcoming horror from director Sasha Rainbow. The film centres on Wei, a shy Chinese scholarship student studying at a prestigious university in New Zealand, feeling shunned she sets out to change her fate with a series of dark experiments which reach horrifying heights. The cast […]
Movie Review – The Convert (2024)
The Convert, 2024. Directed by Lee Tamahori. Starring Guy Pearce, Tioreore Ngatai-Melbourne, Antonio Te Maioha, Jacqueline McKenzie, Lawrence Makoare, Dean O’Gorman, Ariki Turner, Duane Evans Jr., Tomika Whiu, Jack Barry, Mark Sole, Quinn Sugrue, Mark Mitchinson, Matthew Chamberlain, Madeleine McCarthy, Renee Lyons, Aidee Walker, Jared Turner, Edmund Eramiha, Richard Falkner, Will Wallace, Matia Mitai, Tania […]