101 Films has announced that it is bringing the Jeepers Creepers franchise reboot Jeepers Creepers: Reborn to the UK this month. Directed by Iron Sky helmer Timo Vuorensola (and without any ties to the series’ creator), the reboot follows Laine as she travels with her boyfriend Chase to the Horror Hound Festival in Louisiana, where […]
Jeepers Creepers: Reborn gets a teaser trailer and poster
The Jeepers Creepers franchise attempts step out of the tainted shadow of writer-director Victor Salva next year as Screen Media Films releases Jeepers Creepers: Reborn, a reboot from Iron Sky director Timo Vuorensola which intended as the first in a new trilogy of films free of any involvement from the series’ creator. Check out the […]
The Most Powerful Horror Villains Of All Time
Marvelous Videos on the most powerful horror villains… When your genre is predicated on terrorizing your protagonist, it inherently means giving your antagonist an extra oomph. They need some kind of power or ability that allows them to easily scare a group of humans without succumbing to some mishap like a bullet or fall. Horror […]
Preview of Jeepers Creepers #2
Dynamite Entertainment releases Jeepers Creepers #2 this Wednesday, and we’ve got a preview of the issue for you here; check it out… As Devon dives into his research on the mythical “Creeper”, he has no idea how long this evil has existed! Will he uncover the true history of the seemingly immortal monster before the […]
Preview of Jeepers Creepers #1
The Creeper comes to comic books this Wednesday with the release of Jeepers Creepers #1 from Dynamite Entertainment; check out a preview of the issue here… Grad student Devin Toulson is writing his dream thesis on Myths in American History, but when his research takes him on a journey reaching back centuries, Devin finds something […]
Dynamite Entertainment brings Jeepers Creepers to comic books
Dynamite Entertainment has announced that it is bringing the cult horror franchise Jeepers Creepers to comic books with a new series from writer Marc Andreyko (Batwoman, Clive Barker’s Nightbreed) and artist Kewber Baal (KISS: The Elder, Jennifer Blood). In Dynamite’s Jeepers Creepers series, grad student Devin Toulson is writing his dream thesis on Myths in […]
Jeepers Creepers 3 gets a new trailer
With Jeepers Creepers 3 set to arrive in cinemas for a one night only release in a little over a week, a new trailer has debuted for the third instalment of the cult horror series, which you can watch here… Taking place on the last day of the Creeper’s twenty-three-day feeding frenzy, as the skeptical Sargent […]
The script for Jeepers Creepers 4 has already been written, according to Gina Philips
It’s been fourteen years since we last saw The Creeper, but a third instalment in the Jeepers Creepers franchise is now in the can and it seems that creator Victor Salva has already penned a script for Jeepers Creepers 4, according to actress Gina Philips. “I am in [Jeepers Creepers 3] in order to launch what […]
Filming underway on Jeepers Creepers 3, Gina Philips, Adrienne Barbeau and more confirmed to star
It’s been a long time coming, but production is now underway on Jeepers Creepers 3, the third instalment of writer-director Victor Salva’s cult horror series, and thanks to Cinema Runner we know who’ll be appearing in the film alongside the returning Jonathan Breck as The Creeper. The site reports that Gina Philips, star of the […]