Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, 2016. Directed by Gareth Edwards. Starring Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Alan Tudyk, Donnie Yen, Jiang Wen, Ben Mendelsohn, Forest Whitaker, Riz Ahmed, Jimmy Smits, Mads Mikkelsen, and James Earl Jones. SYNOPSIS: The Rebellion makes a risky move to steal the plans for the Death Star, setting up the epic saga to […]
Jimmy Smits reprising the role of Bail Organa for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
We saw from the first trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story that Genevieve O’Reilly will be reprising her role as Mon Mothma from Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith in December’s Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and now we can officially add another returning cast member from the Prequel Trilogy. […]
24 Legacy: Could Jack Bauer be its finest hour?
Tony Black on 24: Legacy… If you were to name a TV character who helped define modern pop culture in the last decade or so, who would you say? Walter White maybe? Tony Soprano? All great shouts. Mine would be Jack Bauer. Oops sorry, JACK BAUER!!!!!! The hero of long running, real time action series […]
Jimmy Smits joins 24: Legacy
Emmy Award-winning actor Jimmy Smits (Dexter, Sons of Anarchy) has signed on for a “major role” in Fox’s upcoming 24 revival 24: Legacy. Entertainment Weekly is reporting that he’s set to play “a powerful U.S. Senator with higher political aspirations, who is married to the blazing smart former head of the Counter Terrorist Unit.” Smits […]