Quiver Distribution has released a trailer, poster and images for the upcoming action thriller Seven Cemeteries. Directed by John Gulager, the film stars Danny Trejo as a man on parole after spending 28 years in prison, who seeks the help of a witch to resurrect his old posse from the dead in order save a […]
Watch the trailer for Children of the Corn: Runaway
Lionsgate has released a trailer for the home entertainment release of director John Gulager’s upcoming horror sequel Children of the Corn: Runaway. The film is the tenth instalment in the film franchise and features a cast that includes Marci Miller, Lynn Andrews, Mary Kathryn Bryant, and Jake Ryan Scott; check it out below… Children of the […]
Pinhead returns in first poster and trailer for Helllraiser: Judgment
Ahead of its home entertainment release next month, Lionsgate has revealed the first poster and trailer for the tenth instalment in the Hellraiser franchise, Hellraiser: Judgment. Written and directed by Gary J. Tunnicliffe, the horror stars Paul T. Taylor, Damon Carney, Randy Wayne, Alexandra Harris, John Gulager, Mike Jay Regan, and Heather Langenkamp; check them […]