Skydance Animation’s Luck is set in world in which opposing forces control destiny, but it appears that opposing forces have led to the departure of Emma Thompson from the animated feature film. Variety is reporting that the Academy Award winning screen legend left the project in January, shortly after the studio had made the decision […]
John Lasseter explains why he’s not directing Toy Story 4
During last weekend’s D23 Expo, it was announced that John Lasseter has stepped down as director on Disney-Pixar’s Toy Story 4, handing over the reins to Pixar veteran Josh Cooley, who will make his feature directorial debut on the sequel. Speaking to MTime (via Dark Horizons), Lasseter has explained his decision, revealing that between his […]
Pixar’s Cars 3 will be “very emotional,” more similar to Cars than Cars 2
When Cars 2 hit theaters in 2011, many were surprised by the movie’s decision to move away from telling the story of a race car, Lightning McQueen, who learns a lesson in humility and respect, to instead surround that same protagonist with non-stop action in a bombastic tale of international espionage. The Cars franchise has always been considered […]
Josh Cooley announced as co-director of Toy Story 4 with John Lasseter
Disney-Pixar has today announced via Twitter the news that Josh Cooley will co-direct the hugely anticipated Toy Story 4 alongside original director and Pixar head honcho John Lasseter. Cooley began his career as a Pixar intern working in the story department on Cars, and is head of story on Pixar’s latest film, Inside Out, which […]
Toy Story 4 will be a stand alone film, not another sequel
Back in November Disney CEO Bob Iger revealed that John Lasseter would return to helm a fourth instalment of Pixar’s super successful Toy Story series. Little to no details were divulged except for the fact that Lasseter loves “these characters so much, they are like family to us…We don’t want to do anything with them […]