The first trailer has debuted for John Woo’s upcoming action thriller Manhunt. An adaptation of Juko Nishimura’s novel Kimi yo Fundo no Kawa o Watare, the film is set to receive it world premiere next month at the Toronto International Film Festival; watch it below… “Action maestro John Woo returns to the mold of his […]
Scott Adkins nabs the lead in Hard Target sequel
Manly Movie is reporting that British action star Scott Adkins is set for the lead role in the upcoming sequel to John Woo’s Hollywood debut Hard Target. The site posted the following image of Adkins in Thailand alonsgide stunt coordinator Master Seng of the Seng Stunt Team. Hard Target 2 is being directed by Roel […]
John Woo to remake Manhunt
John Woo (Face/Off, Mission: Impossible 2) is set to return to the director’s chair for a remake of 1976 action-thriller Japanese classic Manhunt reports Screen Daily. Based on the novel by Juko Nishmura, the story follows a prosecutor who is framed for robbery and rape and sets out on a one-man mission to clear his […]