Peacock has released a poster and trailer Genie, the festive fairytale comedy directed by Sam Boyd and written by Richard Curtis (Love Actually). Melissa McCarthy stars as Flora, a genie who has spent the last 2,000 years trapped inside an antique jewellery box until she is accidentally summoned by Bernard (Paapa Essiedu), a man down […]
Movie Review – Emancipation (2022)
Emancipation, 2022. Directed by Antoine Fuqua. Starring Will Smith, Ben Foster, Charmaine Bingwa, Steven Ogg, Gilbert Owuor, Mustafa Shakir, Grant Harvey, Ronnie Gene Blevins, Jayson Warner Smith, Jabbar Lewis, Michael Luwoye, Aaron Moten, Imani Pullum, Paul Ben-Victor, Jesse C. Boyd, David Denman, Jeremiah Friedlander, Jordyn McIntosh, Landon Chase Dubois, Austin Alexander, and Britton Webb. SYNOPSIS: […]