The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been a groundbreaking achievement for the superhero genre and film in general, launching multiple successful series in one huge collaborative franchise. Its been so successful that other film studios have sought to copy Marvel’s method, whether its Warner Bros. and DC, Paramount’s Transformers universe, the Godzilla/King Kong universe or Universal’s (albeit failed) Dark Universe monster […]
Justice League Blu-ray release date and special details revealed, includes additional scene
Justice will be coming home soon as Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment announce the release date for Justice League‘s home video release. The film will be released digitally in the States on February 13th and then a month later on March 13th on 4K Ultra HD, 3D and standard Blu-ray as well as DVD. Here in […]
UPDATE: Lindsay Lohan wants to play Batgirl for Joss Whedon
After several years in the wilderness, Lindsay Lohan is gearing up to embark on a career comeback attempt, with the Mean Girls star set to appear in the upcoming werewolf film The Shadow Within and the British sitcom Sick Note, and it seems she’s now set her sights on another role. Taking to Twitter, Lohan […]
Fan petition calls for all-Joss Whedon cut of Justice League
A few weeks back, a petition launched calling for Warner Bros. to release director Zack Snyder’s cut for Justice League, which has now attracted over 150,000 signatures as fan show their support for Snyder’s original vision for the DC blockbuster. Well, now we have a rival petition, this time requesting an all-Joss Whedon cut of the […]
Why Joss Whedon should not direct Batgirl
Ricky Church on why Joss Whedon shouldn’t direct Batgirl… Earlier this week the internet was filled with a lot of rumours that Warner Bros. was no longer interested in a Joss Whedon-directed Batgirl film. Though Whedon has created some of the best stories for the comic or sci-fi genre, from Avengers to Buffy The Vampire Slayer to Firefly, he […]
Joss Whedon is still on board as director for Batgirl, despite recent rumours
Despite recent rumors that director Joss Whedon was no longer involved in the upcoming Batgirl film, the director may still be on board after all. EW claims to have several sources confirming that Whedon is, in fact, still attached to the film. The report claims that Joss Whedon is actively writing the script, and that there have […]
That awesome Batman opening to Justice League originally had a more comedic tone, according to actor Holt McCallany
Justice League has polarized fans, and isn’t exactly leaping-tall-buildings-in-a-single-bound at the box-office. However, one thing that everyone seems to agree on: the opening was awesome. Gotham City felt alive in a way that hasn’t been captured since Tim Burton’s Batman. The colors, dialogue, fight choreography… it simply felt right. Another pleasant surprise was (the EXCELLENT) Mindhunter’s […]
The Most Disappointing: Joss Whedon’s Justice League
Anghus Houvouras on Joss Whedon’s involvement with Justice League… I’m still processing the Frankenstein franchise film that was Justice League. A not totally unenjoyable blockbuster that felt like a movie that had been stolen from Zack Snyder and taken to a chop shop where it was stripped down and reassembled based on the notes from […]
Movie Review – Justice League (2017)
Justice League, 2017 Directed by Zack Snyder. Starring Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller, Jason Momoa, Ray Fisher, Amy Adams, Ciarán Hinds, Diane Lane, Amber Heard, Connie Nielsen, Robin Wright, Billy Crudup, J.K. Simmons, Kiersey Clemons and Jeremy Irons. SYNOPSIS: After the death of Superman, Batman has to assemble a team of superheroes […]
Justice League producer says reshoots account for around 20% of the movie
It’s starting to become par for the course with DC movies that their productions are rife with rumour and speculation about behind-the-scenes drama, and sure enough that has been the case with the most recent, Justice League, which opens in cinemas this week. Throughout the production there was talk that Warner Bros. was unhappy with […]
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