The Hill, 2023. Directed by Jeff Celenntano. Starring Dennis Quaid, Scott Glenn, Bonnie Bedelia, Joelle Carter, Colin Ford, Adrian Eppley, Mila Harris, Wilbur Fitzgerald, James Devoti, Mark Rowe, Monica Louwerens, Jesse Berry, Mason Gillett, Ryan Dinning, Siena Bjornerud, Justin Miles, Taylor St. Clair, Carina Worm, David Silverman, Randy Houser, Tracie Frank, Mustapha J. Slack, Hailey […]
Exclusive trailer for Christmas-themed horror anthology Nightmare at Precinct 84
From the makers of The Retaliators, the Christmas anthology horror movie Nightmare at Precinct 84 is set for release in 2023, and we have the exclusive first trailer for the film below. From writers Samuel Gonzalez Jr and Gigi Gustin and featuring segments from Gonzalez Jr, Travis Cluff and Chris Lofing of Tremendum Pictures (The […]
Found-footage horror The Haunting of Grady Farm gets a trailer
High Octane Pictures has revealed a trailer, poster and images for the found-footage horror The Haunting of Grady Farm, ahead of its VOD release next month. Directed by Matt Dickstein, the film follows the crew of a haunted location show, who quickly learn that the stories of abandoned farm they are exploring are more than […]