Gala Films has unveiled the first trailer the upcoming interactive animated series Ghosts of Ruin during a panel at San Diego Comic-Con this Saturday. Featuring the voice talents of Tony Revolori, Rosario Dawson, AleXa, Josh Keaton, Justin Long, Nathalie Emmanuel, Karen Strassman, Michael Longfellow, John Bentley, Cherise Boothe, Harron Atkins, and JB Blanc, the series […]
The Human Centipede director Tom Six returns with new trailer for The Onania Club
A new teaser trailer has been released for writer-director Tom Six’s (The Human Centipede) latest offering, the sure-to-be-controversial The Onania Club, which follows the members of a secret society of women who become aroused by the misery of others; watch it here… Hanna secretly joins a group called The Onania Club. Its members, strong […]
Exclusive Interview – Karen Strassman on Preacher, The Purge and The Onania Club
Tai Freligh interviews Karen Strassman from Preacher… Karen Strassman is a veteran television actress and voiceover artist who can currently be seen with a recurring guest role as “Dr. Slotnick” on the hit AMC series Preacher. She has guest-starred on the popular TV shows Silicon Valley, Workaholics, Weeds, and Criminal Minds to name just a […]