A Disturbance in the Force, 2023. Directed by Jeremy Coon and Steve Kozak. Featuring Bruce Vilanch, Kevin Smith, “Weird Al” Yankovic, Mick Garris, Donny Osmond, Jason Lenzi, Seth Green, Taran Killam, Steve Binder, Craig Miller, Gilbert Gottfried, Lenny Ripps, Brian Ward, Paul Scheer, Kyle Newman, Matthew Robbins, Miki Herman, Marc Pevers, Jonathan Rinzler, Anthony Caleca, […]
Exclusive Interview – Producer Jeremy Coon talks about new Star Wars Holiday Special documentary: “Han Solo was married to a Wookiee”
Brad Cook chats with producer Jeremy Coon about his Star Wars Holiday Special documentary Disturbance in the Force… Before the prequels and the current crop of movies and TV shows from Disney, nothing agitated most Star Wars fans more than the Holiday Special that aired in 1978. It was part new Star Wars story, which […]
Movie Review – Barely Lethal (2015)
Barely Lethal, 2015 Directed by Kyle Newman. Starring Hailee Steinfeld, Jessica Alba, Sophie Turner, Thoman Mann, Dove Cameron, Rachael Harris, Jason Ian Drucker and Samuel L. Jackson. SYNOPSIS: A teenage special ops agent coveting a “normal” adolescence fakes her own death and enrolls in a suburban high school. She quickly learns that surviving the treacherous […]