Quiver Distribution has released a poster and trailer for Night Shift, the directorial debut for The China Brothers. The horror follows Gwen, a young woman who begins to fear for her safety when she begins to suspect a dangerous figure from her past is following her, while working her first shift at a remote motel […]
Movie Review – Mona Lisa and the Blood Moon (2022)
Mona Lisa and the Blood Moon, 2022. Written and Directed by Ana Lily Amirpour. Starring Jeon Jong-seo, Kate Hudson, Ed Skrein, Evan Whitten, Craig Robinson, Tiffany Black, Lauren Bowles, Serene Lee, Cory Roberts, Peggy Gou, Kyler Porche, Michael Carollo, Anthony Reynolds, Jennifer Vo, Altonio Jackson, Donna Duplantier, Rosha Washington, and Armando Leduc. SYNOPSIS: A girl […]