Lucid, 2018. Directed by Adam Morse. Starring Laurie Calvert, Billy Zane, Sadie Frost, Sophie Kennedy Clark, Felicity Gilbert and Cristian Solimeno. SYNOPSIS: A young man named Zel gets the opportunity to drastically change his life when his neighbour introduces him to the concept of lucid dreaming. Have you ever felt like you wanted to conduct […]
Poster and trailer for Lucid starring Laurie Calvert, Sadie Frost and Billy Zane
A trailer and poster have arrived online for the upcoming thriller Lucid. The film marks the feature debut for writer-director Adam Morse and stars Laurie Calvert, Felicity Gilbert, Sophie Kennedy Clark, Billy Zane, and Sadie Frost; check them out here… A shy young man is taught how to seduce through dream therapy. Timid Zel (Laurie […]
Horror Channel FrightFest 2016 Review – Attack of the Lederhosen Zombies (2016)
Attack of the Lederhosen Zombies, 2016. Directed by Dominik Hartl. Starring Laurie Calvert, Gabriela Marcinkova, Margarete Tiesel, Oscar Dyekjaer Giese and Karl Fischer. SYNOPSIS: A team of snowboarders find themselves trapped on the top of a mountain in rural Germany for the night, just as a mysterious zombie plague unleashes itself upon the local population. […]