Ultraman: Rising, 2024. Directed by Shannon Tindle and Josh Aoshima. Featuring the voice talents of Christopher Sean, Gedde Watanabe, Tamlyn Tomita, Keone Young, Julia Harriman, Hiro Nakamura, Artt Butler, Karen Maruyama, Mila O’Malley, Brittany Ishibashi, Veronica Lapke, Lee Shorten, François Chau, and Jonathan Groff. SYNOPSIS: Ken Sato, a superstar baseball player who returns to Japan […]
Movie Review – Swan Song (2021)
Swan Song, 2021. Written and Directed by Benjamin Cleary Starring Mahershala Ali, Naomie Harris, Awkwafina, Glenn Close, Adam Beach, Lee Shorten, Dax Rey, Nyasha Hatendi, JayR Tinaco, Luke Camilleri, Jessica Hayles, Mikayla Lagman, and Shema Cayden. SYNOPSIS: In the near future, Cameron Turner is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Presented with an experimental solution to […]