Amazon MGM Studios has debuted the first trailer and a poster for A Working Man, the upcoming action film reuniting Jason Statham with The Beekeeper director David Ayer, who also co-wrote the screenplay alongside Sylvester Stallone. Based on Chuck Dixon’s novel Levon’s Trade, the film sees Statham as Levon Cade, an ex-Black Ops agent looking […]
Jason Statham and David Ayer to reteam for Sylvester Stallone-scripted Levon’s Trade
David Ayer and Jason Statham are set for a quickfire reunion with the news that they are teaming up for Levon’s Trade, an action movie which has been scripted by Sylvester Stallone. The director/star duo have just worked on The Beekeeper, which is set for release in January 2024, and now Deadline report that they […]