Presence, 2025. Directed by Steven Soderbergh. Starring Lucy Liu, Julia Fox, Chris Sullivan, Callina Liang, Lucas Papaelias, West Mulholland, Eddy Maday, Daniel Danielson, Benny Elledge, and Natalie Woolams-Torres. SYNOPSIS: A family becomes convinced they are not alone after moving into their new home in the suburbs. Told from the perspective of a ghost, director Steven […]
Movie Review – The Adults (2023)
The Adults, 2023. Written and Directed by Dustin Guy Defa. Starring Michael Cera, Hannah Gross, Sophia Lillis, Wavyy Jonez, Anoop Desai, Kyra Tantao, Kiah McKirnan, Simon Kim, Lucas Papaelias, and Tina Benko. SYNOPSIS: The plan to make a trip back home as short as possible begins to unravel as Eric finds himself balancing the challenging […]