Dynamite Entertainment launches its new crossover series Red Sonja Attacks Mars next week, and you can get yourself a sneak peek at the first issue right now with the official preview below… New master of horror comics Jay Stephens (Dwellings, Tales From The Abyss) and Red Sonja/Mars Attacks artist Fran Strukan stir some adventure and […]
Red Sonja Attacks Mars in crossover sequel from Dynamite
Dynamite Entertainment’s 2020 crossover series Mars Attacks Red Sonja is set for a sequel this coming March as writer Jay Stephens and returning artist Fran Strukan team for Red Sonja Attacks Mars. “I’m having such a blast,” states Stephens. “It feels like you could see me drooling over my Norman Saunders (the original Mars Attacks! […]
Funko unleashes the Martians with Mars Attacks! Pop Vinyl figures
Funko has unveiled a new wave of Pop! Movies vinyl figures from Tim Burton’s 1996 sci-fi comedy Mars Attacks! which includes a Martian Ambassador, a Martian soldier and glow in the dark chase variant, a Martian Soldier with atomic ray gun, and the Martian Spy Girl; check them out here… Your collection is about […]
Build a Mars Attacks theme park with Mars Attracts
Outlier has announced there will be an Alpha test period for their upcoming park management sim Mars Attracts in November and are inviting humans to sign up and try their hand at building a theme park in the iconic Mars Attacks universe. The announcement of this playtest coincides with a new gameplay trailer (see below) that was first […]
Comic Book Preview – Mars Attacks Red Sonja
Dynamite Entertainment releases its trade paperback collection of Mars Attacks Red Sonja this week, and you can check out the official preview right here… “She is the red-haired she-devil with the sword. They are the green-skinned invaders from the red planet. Yes, those dastardly Mars Attacks Martians are attacking again, and these are the Martians […]
Alien Invasion Movies Worthy of Their Cult Status
Marvelous Videos with twelve cult alien invasion movies… “Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” So wrote legendary sci-fi author Arthur C. Clarke, and it’s a sentiment you can’t help but agree with. If humans really are the only species in the cosmos, then […]
Comic Book Preview – Mars Attacks Red Sonja #5
Dynamite Entertainment’s crossover series Mars Attacks Red Sonja continues this week with the release of the fifth issue, and you can get a sneak peek right here with the official preview… Oh no—looks like the bad guys have won! The good guys are defeated, and the leader of the Martian invasion has declared himself absolute […]
Comic Book Preview – Mars Attacks Red Sonja #4
Dynamite Entertainment’s crossover series Mars Attacks Red Sonja continues this week with the release of the fourth issue; check out the official preview here… It’s the She-Devil-With-A-Sword vs. the She-Creature-With-A-Saucer! Yes, friends, this issue sees a great and terrible battle between Red Sonja— and Green Sonja! One will triumph, and one will die. Can you […]
Comic Book Preview – Mars Attacks Red Sonja #3
Dynamite Entertainment’s crossover series Mars Attacks Red Sonja continues this Wednesday with the release of the third issue, and we’ve got the official preview for you here… Martian conqueror Xi’Zeer has his eye on a bride and has set his sights on Red Sonja! Are those wedding bells I hear in the distance, or is […]
Comic Book Preview – Mars Attacks Red Sonja #2
Dynamite Entertainment’s latest crossover series Mars Attacks Red Sonja continues this Wednesday with the release of the second issue, and we’ve got the official preview for you right here; check it out… Hyborian-era Martians attack Hyborian-era humans — including Red Sonja! But Sonja’s got a whole posse of new friends and one very important charge […]