From Iron Man to Ant-Man, it’s become quite clear over the years that the Marvel Cinematic Universe favors introducing audiences to new superheroes through origin stories. Aside from a few exceptions here and there, nearly every introductory film in the Marvel Studios catalog has shown how the titular hero or heroes came to be exactly […]
Benjamin Bratt has a role in Doctor Strange
Thanks to the eagle-eyed folks over at MCU Exchange, it is now known that actor Benjamin Bratt will have a role in this year’s Doctor Strange. Many believed that the cast list for the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe installment had already been released in its entirety, but Bratt’s involvement, which was revealed when his name was spotted […]
Brie Larson reportedly the frontrunner to play Captain Marvel
There has been plenty of speculation about who would play Captain Marvel ever since the Marvel Comics heroine’s solo film was confirmed back in 2014. Though the movie isn’t slated to arrive until 2019, word has it that she’ll show up first in 2018’s Avengers: Infinity War. Kevin Feige recently claimed that we’d be getting big news regarding the […]