The Bouncer, 2024. Directed by Massimiliano Cerchi. Starring John Ozuna, Costas Mandylor, Rosmary Yaneva, Vincent Rivera, Nick Turturro, Gerald Okamura and Tayah Kansik. SYNOPSIS: In Romania, fugitive Frank Sharp takes a job as a bouncer. Saving a woman from abuse, he discovers she’s trafficked. They escape together but are relentlessly hunted. Opening with Frank Sharp (John […]
Trailer for action thriller Lockdown starring Bai Ling and Michael Pare
Lionsgate has released a poster and trailer for the upcoming action thriller Lockdown. Directed by Massimiliano Cerchi, the film stars Michael Pare as an FBI agent tasked with taking down a group sadistic criminals who have taken control of a police station and are holding hostages including an ass-kicking prostitute played by Bai Ling. In […]