Shudder and RLJE Films have shared a trailer and images for the comedy horror Bloody Axe Wound. Written and directed by Matthew John Lawrence, the film centres on teenager Abbie as she contemplates taking her family’s macabre business of capturing real-life killings on tape in a new direction. The film stars Sari Arambulo, Molly Brown, […]
Blu-ray Review – Uncle Peckerhead (2020)
Uncle Peckerhead, 2020. Directed by Matthew John Lawrence. Starring Mike Lawrence, David Littleton, Chet Siegel, Jeff Riddle, Ruby McCollister and Shannon O’Neill. SYNOPSIS: A struggling punk rock band recruit the kindly Peckerhead as their new roadie but unfortunately Peckerhead is also a demon who likes to eat his victims. If ever there were an Oscar […]
Movie Review – Uncle Peckerhead (2020)
Uncle Peckerhead. 2020. Directed by Matthew John Lawrence. Starring David Littleton, Greg Maness, Ruby McCollister, Jeff Riddle, Shannon O’Neill, and Chet Siegel. SYNOPSIS: When a punk band scores their first tour, life on the road proves tough when they are joined by a man-eating demon as a roadie. Demons? New Jersey? Punk rock? Matthew John […]
Horror-comedy Uncle Peckerhead gets a trailer, poster and images
A trailer, poster and images have landed online for writer-director Matthew John Lawrence’s horror-comedy Uncle Peckerhead which follows three members of a punk rock band who discover that their new roadie is a cursed, man-eating hillbilly; check them out here… Judy, the bassist of punk-rock band ‘DUH’, dreams of traveling the world and becoming a […]