The Alto Knights, 2025. Directed by Barry Levinson. Starring Robert De Niro, Debra Messing, Cosmo Jarvis, Kathrine Narducci, Michael Rispoli, Michael Adler, Ed Amatrudo, Joe Bacino, Anthony J. Gallo, Wallace Langham, Louis Mustillo, Frank Piccirillo, Matt Servitto, Robert Uricola, Belmont Cameli, Carrie Lazar, James Ciccone, Bob Glouberman, Jeffrey Grover, Jean Zarzour, Abi Van Andel, John […]
Movie Review – A Million Miles Away (2023)
A Million Miles Away, 2023. Directed by Alejandra Márquez Abella. Starring Michael Peña, Garret Dillahunt, Rosa Salazar, Bobby Soto, Julio Cedillo, Veronica Falcón, Sarayu Blue, Eric Johnson, Jordan Dean, Ashley Ciarra, Michelle Krusiec, Emma Fassler, Michael Adler, Carlos S. Sanchez, Marilyn Uribe, and Isaac Arellanes. SYNOPSIS: Follows Jose Hernandez, the first migrant farmworker to travel […]