Warner Bros. has released a trailer for Mickey 17, the sci-fi comedy from director Bong Joon-Ho (Parasite) and based on Edward Ashton’s 2022 novel Mickey7. Robert Pattinson stars as Mickey, a man who accepts a job as an ‘expendable’, whose role is to sent onto missions into space… and every time he dies a new […]
Bong Joon-Ho introduces us to Robert Pattinson’s Mickey 17 in teaser for new sci-fi
Warner Bros. has delivered us an early Christmas present by dropping the teaser for Academy Award-winning Korean director Bong Joon-Ho’s next film Mickey 17, which features Robert Pattinson as the lead and will debut in cinemas on March 29, 2024. Based on the novel written by Edward Ashton, Mickey 17 follows an individual known as an […]