Rosario Dawson (Ahsoka), Alexandra Shipp (Barbie) and Milla Jovovich (Resident Evil) have completed production on Midnight, an action thriller Dawson produced from debut feature director Joshua Otis Miller, per Deadline. Midnight follows “a young, blind woman (Shipp) as she is hunted by a group of international criminals (led by Jovovich) searching for a package they believe was […]
Blu-ray Review – Midnight (2021)
Midnight, 2021. Directed by Oh-Seung Kwon. Starring Wi Ha-Joon, Park Hoon, Ki-joo Jin, Kim Hye-Yoon, and Hae-yeon Kil. SYNOPSIS: A deaf mother and daughter try and escape a psychopathic killer in the dark backstreets of the city. Korean genre cinema has been a thing of beauty to watch over the past few years – and […]
South Korean serial killer thriller Midnight gets a trailer, poster and images
Dread has released a trailer, poster and images for writer-director Oh-Seung Kwon’s South Korean crime thriller Midnight which follows a serial killer (Squid Game’s Wi Ha-Joon) as he hunts down a deaf woman (Ki-joo Jin) after she witnesses his brutal crime; take a look here… Fear grips the country of South Korea as a serial […]