Ricky Church reviews the ninth episode of 24: Legacy… Seriously, CTU has the worst security ever. Not even in 24: Legacy have they stepped their security and background checks up one bit. ‘8:00 PM – 9:00 PM’ was still an enjoyable episode, but my oft complaint that the rebooted series leans too heavily on the […]
24: Legacy Season 1 Episode 3 Review – “2:00 PM – 3:00 PM”
Ricky Church reviews the third episode of 24: Legacy… 24: Legacy‘s third episode created a little more intrigue in the main plot, but the subplots somewhat derailed the full excitement of Carter chasing down his old partner for the information on the terrorist network. One of the positives of this episode was also the fact […]
24 Legacy: Could Jack Bauer be its finest hour?
Tony Black on 24: Legacy… If you were to name a TV character who helped define modern pop culture in the last decade or so, who would you say? Walter White maybe? Tony Soprano? All great shouts. Mine would be Jack Bauer. Oops sorry, JACK BAUER!!!!!! The hero of long running, real time action series […]
Annabelle 2 gets a new cast member in Miranda Otto
Despite receiving some truly awful reviews when it was released in 2014, The Conjuring spin-off Annabelle is getting a sequel of her own. And THR are reporting that the movie has a new cast member. According to the site, The Lord of the Rings star Miranda Otto has joined the cast of the movie, which […]
Movie Review – The Daughter (2015)
The Daughter 2015 Directed by Simon Stone Starring Geoffrey Rush, Sam Neill, Odessa Young, Ewen Leslie, Paul Schneider, Miranda Otto SYNOPSIS: Christian (Paul Schneider) arrives home after a long absence for his father Henry’s (Geoffrey Rush) wedding. Theirs is a difficult relationship, but he’s made to feel more at home by bumping into his one-time […]
Miranda Otto to play female lead in 24: Legacy
Following on from the casting of Corey Hawkins as former Army Ranger agent Eric Carter in the upcoming 24 revival, it has now been revealed that Miranda Otto (The Lord of the Rings, Homeland) is set to play the female lead in 24: Legacy. Otto will play Rebecca Ingram, the “blazing smart former head of CTU. Now […]
Second Opinion – The Homesman (2014)
The Homesman (2014) Directed by Tommy Lee Jones Starring Tommy Lee Jones, Hilary Swank, Grace Gummer, Miranda Otto, Sonja Richter, John Lithgow, Hailee Steinfield, Jesse Plemons, Tim Blake Nelson, William Fitchner, Meryl Streep SYNOPSIS: Ably independent yet desperate to nurture a family, Mary Bee Cuddy agrees to transport three women maddened by trauma across the country, enlisting […]
Movie Review – The Homesman (2014)
The Homesman, 2014. Directed by Tommy Lee Jones. Starring Hilary Swank, Tommy Lee Jones, Grace Gummer, Miranda Otto, Sonja Richter, Meryl Streep, John Lithgow, Jesse Plemons and William Fichtner. SYNOPSIS: Three women who have been driven mad by pioneer life are to be transported across the country by covered wagon by the pious, independent-minded Mary […]
HBO goes from Westeros to Westworld
Long before Interstellar (2014) sought inspiration from the works of American theoretical physicist Kip Thorne, a former Harvard Medical School graduate made a name for himself by creating scientific thrillers that dealt with illegal organ transplants and the resurrection of extinct species from DNA samples. Not surprisingly Jonathan Nolan, who co-wrote the screenplay for the […]