Netflix has released a new trailer for Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance, the upcoming animated sci-fi series which takes at the European Front during the One Year War which was depicted in the first Gundam 1979 anime series Mobile Suit Gundam; watch it below… In the year 0079 of the Universal Century, the Principality of Zeon […]
Mobile Suit Gundam to battle it out in Call of Duty this June
In a new collaboration with Bandai Namco Europe starting this June, Call of Duty will see the arrival of new Operator Skins based on the legendary Gundam series available to purchase in new Tracer Bundles. These bundles will also include Weapon Blueprints, Finishing Moves and more, all inspired by those iconic Mobile Suits from the […]
Mobile Suit Gundam NT (Narrative) gets an extended English trailer
Fathom Events and Sunrise Inc. are set to bring the anime feature Mobile Suit Gundam NT (Narrative) to U.S. theaters next week, and to mark the occasion we have a new extended English-language trailer for the movie, which you can find below after the official synopsis. The story begins in U.C. 0097, one year after […]
Mobile Suit Gundam NT (Narrative) set for U.S. theatrical release in February
Fathom Events has announced that it is teaming with Sunrise Inc. to bring the anime feature Mobile Suit Gundam NT (Narrative) to U.S. theaters with a new English-language dub for one night only this February. The story begins in U.C. 0097, one year after the opening of “Laplace’s Box.” Despite the revelation of the Universal […]