Netflix has just rounded out the full cast for its upcoming limited drama series Sirens. The show will feature Josh Segarra (Scream), Felix Solis (Ozark), Trevor Salter (She-Hulk), Britne Oldford (Dead Ringers), Lauren Weedman (Hacks), Jenn Lyon (Claws) Erin Neufer (Fellow Travelers) and Emily Borromeo (Blue Bloods). They join Julianne Moore (May December), Meghann Fahy […]
Netflix drama Sirens casts Julianne Moore, Meghann Fahy, Milly Alcock, Kevin Bacon and Glenn Howerton
Netflix has just landed a big amount of talent for its upcoming limited drama series Sirens. Created, written and showrun by Molly Smith Metzler (Maid), the series will star Julianne Moore (May December), Meghann Fahy (The White Lotus), Milly Alcock (House of the Dragon), Kevin Bacon (City on a Hill) and Glenn Howerton (It’s Always Sunny […]