Netflix has released a trailer for Trigger Warning, the upcoming action thriller from director Mouly Surya (Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts). Jessica Alba stars as Parker, a special forces commando who finds herself at odds with a violent gang that runs rampant in her hometown, after she inherits her father’s bar. Check out the […]
East End Film Festival Movie Review – Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts (2018)
Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts, 2018. Directed by Mouly Surya. Starring Marsha Timothy, Dea Panedra, Egy Fedley, Yoga Pratama, and Haydar Salishz. SYNOPSIS: When Marlina (Marsha Timothy) is confronted with the prospect of a horrific assault by a man named Markus (Egy Fedley) and his gang, the widower takes action into her own hands, […]