Ryan Murphy is expanding the American Horror Story franchise with a new episodic anthology series entitled American Horror Stories, and the creator has taken to Instagram to announce the first casting for the spinoff project in Kevin McHale (Glee), Dyllon Burnside (Pose), Charles Melton (Riverdale) and Nico Greetham (The Prom). View this post on […]
Movie Review – The Prom (2020)
The Prom, 2020. Directed by Ryan Murphy. Starring Meryl Streep, James Corden, Nicole Kidman, Kerry Washington, Andrew Rannells, Keegan-Michael Key, Jo Ellen Pellman, Ariana DeBose, Mary Kay Place, Kevin Chamberlin, Tracey Ullman, Logan Riley Hassel, Sofia Deler, Nico Greetham, and Nathaniel J. Potvin. SYNOPSIS: A troupe of hilariously self-obsessed theater stars swarm into a small […]
Netflix releases first trailer for Ryan Murphy’s The Prom
Netflix has released the first trailer for Ryan Murphy’s upcoming adaptation of the beloved Broadway musical The Prom which follows a group of self-obsessed stage actors who looking to resurrect their flatlined careers and public image by travelling to a small conservative town in support of a high school girl who wants to take her […]