Oddity, 2024. Directed by Damian McCarthy. Starring Carolyn Bracken, Jonathan French, Steve Wall, Gwilym Lee, Tadhg Murphy, Caroline Menton. SYNOPSIS: A blind medium uses haunted items to uncover the truth about her twin sister’s murder. Damian McCarthy’s previous movie Caveat, was a slow-burning mood piece that had a few pacing and script issues, but it […]
Supernatural horror Oddity gets a creepy first trailer from IFC
IFC Films has released a poster and trailer for Oddity, the supernatural horror from writer-director Damian McCarthy (Caveat). Carolyn Bracken (You Are Not My Mother) stars as Darcy, a blind woman who seeks vengeance for the brutal murder of her sister by using haunted items from her cursed collection as her tools of revenge. Watch […]