Once Upon a Time at Christmas, 2017. Directed by Paul Tanter. Starring Simon Phillips, Sayla de Goede, Laurel Brady, Barry Kennedy, Jeff Ellenberger, Brook Fletcher, and Susannah Mackay. SYNOPSIS: A small town is plagued by serial killers dressed as Santa and Mrs Claus, who appear to be escalating their murderous rampage every day. Sometimes a […]
Festive horror Once Upon a Time at Christmas gets a batch of images
Ahead of its VOD release next week, we have a batch of images for the festive horror Once Upon a Time at Christmas, the new film from director Paul Tanter; check them out here… SEE ALSO: Watch the trailer for Once Upon a Time at Christmas Couples that slay together; stay together! Meet Santa and […]
Posters and trailer for festive horror Once Upon a Time at Christmas
With a little over a week to go until it receives its UK premiere at the British Horror Film Festival, three posters and a trailer have debuted for director Paul Tanter’s festive horror Once Upon a Time at Christmas, which follows a rampaging Santa and Mrs. Claus as the serial-killing couple terrorise New York City over […]