A trailer has arrived online for the horror anthology Nightmare Cinema. The film features five segments, directed by Joe Dante (Gremlins), David Slade (30 Days of Night), Mick Garris (Sleepwalkers), Ryuhei Kitamura (Versus) and Alejandro Brugues (Juan of the Dead) and stars Mickey Rourke, Richard Chamberlain, Adam Godley, Orson Chaplin, Eric Nelsen, Kevin Fonteyne, and Maurice […]
Sci-fi thriller Astro gets a new extended trailer
Ahead of its release this October, a new trailer has arrived online for director Asif Akbar’s upcoming sci-fi thriller Astro which stars Gary Daniels, Dominique Swain, Marshal Hilton, Louis Mandylor, Gianni Capaldi, Max Wasa, Omi Vaidya, Luke G. Crosby, Orson Chaplin, Spice Williams-Crosby, Courtney Akbar, Christopher Showerman, and Michael Pare; check it out here… A […]
First trailer for sci-fi thriller Astro starring Gary Daniels
Ahead of its premiere at Cannes later this month, a poster, trailer and batch of images have arrived online for the upcoming sci-fi thriller Astro. Directed by Asif Akbar and shot in Roswell, New Mexico, the film sees Gary Daniels leading a cast that includes Dominique Swain, Marshal Hilton, Gianni Capaldi, Louis Mandylor, Max Wasa, Omi Vaidya, […]