With a little over three weeks to go until its US home entertainment release, a new trailer has arrived online for the fourth instalment in the Hatchet series, Victor Crowley. Directed by Adam Green, the film sees Kane Hodder reprising his role as the unstoppable killer alongside Parry Shen, Tiffany Shepis, Dave Sheridan, Brian Quinn, Felissa Rose, Laura Ortiz, […]
Horror Channel FrightFest Review – Victor Crowley (2017)
Victor Crowley, 2017 Written and directed by Adam Green Starring Kane Hodder, Parry Shen, Tiffany Shepis, Dave Sheridan, Brian Quinn, Felissa Rose, Laura Ortiz, Blake Woodruff, Katie Booth, Chase Williamson SYNOPSIS: Ten years after the events of the original movie, Victor Crowley is mistakenly resurrected and proceeds to kill once more. It’s been a few years […]