Shadow of the Cat, 2021. Directed by José María Cical. Starring Danny Trejo, Peter O’Brien, Mónica Antonópulos, Clara Kovacic, and Guillermo Zapata. SYNOPSIS: Gato lives with his teenage daughter Emma and a small group of people on an isolated farm without phone or internet. But Emma, tempted by her curiosity, gets a mobile phone. While […]
Netflix releases first trailer and images for supernatural crime drama Tidelands
Netflix has released the first trailer and images for its Australian supernatural crime drama series Tidelands which stars Charlotte Best, Elsa Pataky, Aaron Jakubenko, Peter O’Brien, Marco Pigossi, Kiwi Mattias Inwood, Madeleine Madden, Caroline Brazier and Dalip Sondhi; take a look here… Tidelands follows Cal McTeer (Charlotte Best), a young woman who returns home to the […]