Signature Entertainment has released the trailer for Rise of the Footsoldier: Vengeance, the sixth film in the British crime thriller franchise from director Nick Nevern which sees the return of Craig Fairbrass’ Pat Tate as he embarks on violent rampage, stopping at nothing to avenge the death of his loyal footsoldier. Pat Tate (Craig Fairbrass, […]
Trailer for sci-fi thriller Deus teases an extra-terrestrial mystery
4Digital Media has released a trailer, poster and images for writer-director Steve Stone’s upcoming sci-fi thriller Deus which follows the crew of spaceship a mission to investigate a mysterious black sphere orbiting Mars; check out the trailer below… A mysterious black sphere is discovered in the orbit of Mars. The Achilles is sent to […]
Movie Review – Hampstead (2017)
Hampstead, 2017. Directed by Joel Hopkins. Starring Diane Keaton, Brendan Gleeson, James Norton, Lesley Manville, Jason Watkins and Phil Davis. SYNOPSIS: Widow Alice (Diane Keaton) lives in a mansion flat opposite Hampstead Heath when property developers announce their intention to build new apartments. She discovers that, smack bang in the middle of the land they […]
Movie Review – Dough (2015)
Dough, 2015. Directed by John Goldschmidt. Starring Jonathan Pryce, Jerome Holder, Phil Davis and Pauline Collins. SYNOPSIS: In a London suburb, a family owned Jewish bakery is on its uppers, losing customers and under pressure to sell up to developers. Then baker Nat (Jonathan Pryce) loses his assistant, who goes to work for the nearby […]