Tom Jolliffe looks back at 1980, a key turning point in cinema… After a decade that began with an overwhelming air of pessimist cinema, the end of the 70’s would mark the beginnings of a significant turn around in box office tastes. By 1980 Steven Spielberg and George Lucas were household names. Star Wars, Jaws […]
Hollywood’s Unhealthy Obsession With Movie Ratings Needs to End
Harrison Abbott on Hollywood’s unhealthy obsession with movie ratings and why it has to end… From a sanitised Die Hard sequel to an R-rated Star Trek, when it comes to ratings Hollywood is incapable of leaving well enough alone. The Dark Age of PG-13-ification Alien Vs Predator, The Expendables 3, World War Z, Max Payne, […]
Grimm Up North to screen Friday the 13th and Prom Night double bill
As some of you may have noticed, tomorrow is Friday the 13th – which makes it the ideal day to go back and re-watch the classic horror franchise. To celebrate, Grimm Up North, the chaps and gals behind Grimmfest are showing a double bill of the original Friday the 13th as well as slasher favourite […]