The second season of Netflix’s live-action adaptation Avatar: The Last Airbender has filled out several significant roles from the original animated series. Per Variety, the series has cast Chin Han (Mortal Kombat) Hoa Xuande (The Sympathizer), Justin Chien (The Brothers Sun), Amanda Zhou (Spinning Out), Crystal Yu (Good Omens), Kelemete Misipeka (Sons of Thunder), Lourdes Faberes […]
Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Telling being adapted for the big screen
THR is reporting that writer-director Leena Pendharkar (20 Weeks, Raspberry Magic) is working on an adaptation of the late author Ursula K. Le Guin’s acclaimed sci-fi novel The Telling, which has Rekha Sharma (Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek: Discovery) set to star. Le Guin had been working with Pendharkar on the project before her passing this […]
Star Trek: Discovery gets five new cast additions
As we await word on a premiere date, CBS has announced five new additions to the cast of Star Trek: Discovery, the upcoming TV series set ten years prior to the events of Star Trek: The Original Series. Shazad Latif (Penny Dreadful) is set to play Starfleet officer Lieutenant Tyler, Rekha Sharma (The 100) will […]