Netflix’s live-action adaptation of One Piece has announced new additions to its cast for season two. Per Variety, Rigo Sanchez (Outer Banks), Yonda Thomas (Red Ink) and James Hiroyuki Liao (Presumed Innocent) will star in the upcoming season. Sanchez will play Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army and Luffy’s father. Thomas will play Igaram, a member […]
Movie Review – Beneath Us (2020)
Beneath Us, 2020. Directed by Max Pachman. Starring Lynn Collins, Rigo Sanchez, James Tupper, Josue Aguirre, Roberto ‘Sanz’ Sanchez, and Thomas Chavira. SYNOPSIS: The American Dream becomes a nightmare for a group of undocumented day laborers hired by a wealthy couple. What they expect to be their biggest payday turns into a terrifying fight for […]