Samuel Goldwyn Films has released a trailer and poster for the upcoming crime thriller In the Land of Saints and Sinners. The film reunites director Robert Lorenz with his The Marksman star Liam Neeson, who plays a retired assassin who finds his life in a remote Irish village disturbed when he is drawn into a […]
Movie Review – The Marksman (2021)
The Marksman, 2020. Directed by Robert Lorenz. Starring Liam Neeson, Katheryn Winnick, Juan Pablo Raba, and Teresa Ruiz. SYNOPSIS: A rancher on the Arizona border becomes the unlikely defender of a young Mexican boy desperately fleeing the cartel assassins who’ve pursued him into the U.S. It didn’t take Liam Neeson long to backpedal on his 2017 […]
Movie Review – The Marksman (2021)
The Marksman, 2021. Directed by Robert Lorenz. Starring Liam Neeson, Jacob Perez, Katheryn Winnick, Teresa Ruiz, Juan Pablo Raba, Dylan Kenin, Luce Rains, Chase Mullins, and Christopher Mele. SYNOPSIS: A rancher on the Arizona border becomes the unlikely defender of a young Mexican boy desperately fleeing the cartel assassins who’ve pursued him into the U.S. […]
Liam Neeson is The Marksman in trailer for new action thriller
The trailer for Liam Neeson’s latest action thriller The Marksman has been released. The film is directed by Robert Lorenz and sees Neeson as a rancher who has to protect a young boy from a dangerous drug cartel. Starring alongside Neeson are Katheryn Winnick (Vikings), Teresa Ruiz (Narcos: Mexico), Juan Pablo Raba (Peppermint) and Jacob Perez. The […]