1978’s Superman: The Movie and 1989’s Batman are historic and groundbreaking films in the superhero genre, helping set the stage for how these larger than life characters and their fight against crime can be portrayed on screen, particularly with the performances of Christopher Reeve as Superman and Michael Keaton as Batman. Now fans can get ready to return to the […]
Comic Book Review – Dark Nights – Metal: The Resistance
Ricky Church reviews Dark Nights – Metal: The Resistance… Dark Nights – Metal was DC’s big event last year, headline by the former Batman duo Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. While the story spanned across the DC multiverse as evil versions of Batman invaded, the event itself wasn’t as all encompassing as previous events with massive amounts of […]
Comic Book Review – Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #3
Tony Black reviews Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #3… “Sinestro’s Law” part three! Pushed to his limits, Hal Jordan must fight his way through a squad of Sinestro Corps members—but he risks losing himself to the power he now wields as his battle with Sinestro nears. The great battle against the imperious forces […]
Comic Book Review – Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #2
Tony Black reviews Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #2… “Sinestro’s Law” part two! As Sinestro’s grip around the universe grows tighter, Guy Gardner takes on the mission to bring the Green Lantern Corps back from the edge of oblivion to reclaim their role as protectors of the cosmos. The space bound adventures of […]
Comic Book Review – Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Rebirth #1
Tony Black reviews Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Rebirth #1… Superstar artist Ethan Van Sciver returns to the world of Green Lantern! In the absence of the Green Lantern Corps, Sinestro and his fear-inducing Yellow Lantern Corps patrol the universe as its sole protectors—but deep in space, a green light still burns. Harnessing the […]