Mad Max Anthology Directed by George Miller and George Ogilvie. Starring Mel Gibson, Tom Hardy, Hugh Keays-Byrne, Steve Bisley, Tim Burns, Roger Ward, Bruce Spence, Mike Preston, Max Phipps, Vernon Wells, Emil Minty, Kjell Nilsson, Virginia Hey, Tina Turner, Adam Cockburn, Frank Thring, Angelo Rossito, Paul Larsson, Angry Anderson, Robert Grubb, Helen Buday, Charlize Theron, […]
FrightFest Presents Review – Boar (2018)
Boar, 2018. Directed by Chris Sun. Starring Nathan Jones, Bill Moseley, John Jarratt, Christie-Lee Britten, Steve Bisley, Roger Ward, Simone Buchanan, and Ernie Dingo. SYNOPSIS: A giant wild pig roams the Outback killing everyone it comes across. B-movie creature features are two-a-penny these days, what with cheap CGI technology and the ability to make a […]
Watch the trailer for Australian creature feature Boar
A new trailer has been released for the upcoming Australian creature feature Boar. Written and directed by Chris Sun, the film features a cast that includes John Jarratt, Bill Moseley, Simone Buchanan, Nathan Jones, Hugh Sheridan, Roger Ward, Melissa Tkautz, Ricci Guarnaccio, and Ernie Dingo; watch it here… In the harsh, yet beautiful Australian outback lives […]