Amazon’s upcoming animated adaptation of Robert Kirkland’s Invincible has just added several former members of The Walking Dead to its cast. Kirkland, who created The Walking Dead, revealed during his Comic-Con@Home panel that Lauren Cohan, Sonequa Martin-Green, Chad Coleman, Michael Cudlitz, Lennie James and Ross Marquand are the latest to join the cast. Cohan will voice War […]
Ross Marquand on Red Skull’s possible future in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Red Skull made his return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2018, with The Walking Dead actor Ross Marquand taking over the role from Captain America: The First Avenger star Hugo Weaving for Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. Following his defeat at the hands of Cap in the closing days of World War […]
Avengers: Infinity War actor Ross Marquand hopes he can return as Red Skull
Ross Marquand, the actor behind Red Skull in Avengers: Infinity War, hopes he can return as the character one day. Red Skull was the last person people were expecting to see during Thanos’ quest to collect the last stone during Infinity War. The character returned to the big screen for the first time since Captain […]
The Walking Dead’s Ross Marquand doesn’t know if Red Skull is in Avengers 4
One of the big surprises in Avengers: Infinity War was the return of the Red Skull, with the Captain America villain popping up as the Stonekeeper, guardian of the Soul Stone on the planet Vormir. Infinity War’s Red Skull was portrayed by The Walking Dead star Ross Marquand, who replaced Captain America: The First Avenger’s […]
The reason why Red Skull returned for Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: Infinity War writers, Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus, have revealed the reason why the Red Skull returned for the movie. Avengers: Infinity War was replete with shocks and surprises and one of them was certainly the return of the long-missing Red Skull – last seen at the end of Captain America: The First Avenger. […]
The Walking Dead’s Ross Marquand wants to play Marvel’s Moon Knight
After making his Marvel Cinematic Universe debut earlier this year with his surprise appearance as the Stonekeeper – a.k.a. The Red Skull – in Avengers: Infinity War, The Walking Dead star Ross Marquand is already eyeing another MCU role, with the actor revealing AiPT that he’d love to play Moon Knight. “It’s tough because a […]
The Walking Dead’s Ross Marquand on his surprise Avengers: Infinity War role and possible Avengers 4 return
Warning. Spoilers for Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War follow… Despite being in the age of spoilers, leaks and set photos, Marvel Studios did an excellent job in keeping Avengers: Infinity War’s many surprises tightly under wraps, none more so than the return of the iconic villain Red Skull. The Captain America: The First Avenger antagonist returned […]
The Walking Dead star Ross Marquand says Season 8 is the best yet
Although season seven of The Walking Dead wasn’t met with the greatest response from both fans and critics alike, and viewership of the series drastically decreased, star Ross Marquand (Aaron) isn’t too concerned with the negativity. In fact, the actor actually feels that the upcoming eighth season will be the best yet. Speaking to Comic Book, Marquand […]
Exclusive Interview: The Walking Dead’s Ross Marquand talks Negan, Jesus and Season 6
Ross Marquand from The Walking Dead just wrapped up a convention in Bournemouth, UK, and will appear at Newcastle Film and Comic Con this weekend. He plays Aaron on the show, which is currently heading towards the finale of season six. Ross just recently appeared on the Jimmy Kimmel Show to lay down some spot-on […]