Martin Carr reviews the third episode of Scream: The TV Series season 2… Apart from it sounding like an old thriller set in a motel, episode three of Scream is heading in a decent direction. Take away the plotline which is being dragged out concerning Jake and things are ticking over nicely. Meanwhile if we […]
Scream: The TV Series Season 2 Episode 2 Review – ‘Psycho’
Martin Carr reviews the second episode of Scream: The TV Series season 2… If Scream had been entertaining this week or even mildly diverting, then it may have deserved to steal Hitchcock’s title. If there had been some decent progressions, diversionary bloodletting and clever segues this conversation might have been different. However what ‘Psycho’ […]
Why 1996 was the Most Important Year in Hollywood
This week, Neil Calloway argues that 1996 was a hugely influential year in cinema… This month sees the release of the long awaited Independence Day sequel. In many ways it seems like a long time since the original came out; the film industry has moved on a lot, and there is no way that a […]
Scream: The TV Series Season 2 Episode 1 Review – ‘I Know What You Did Last Summer’
Martin Carr reviews the first episode of Scream: The TV Series season 2… Funded by Netflix but carrying the MTV logo Scream emerges from the rubble of season one where it earned renewal, with some serious backing and bulked up production value. Now it resides on the cable equivalent of HBO, we get a full […]
Scream: The TV Series Season 1 Episode 9 Review – ‘The Dance’
Martin Carr reviews the ninth episode of Scream: The TV Series… Earlier this week news broke of Wes Craven’s death from brain cancer. A debilitating, dignity stripping disease which I have had the unfortunate honour of witnessing first hand. However, with anything which has such a devastating affect it is best to reduce any column […]
Wes Craven to receive tribute on MTV’s Scream
Following the shocking news that horror master Wes Craven passed away on Sunday at the age of 76, MTV has announced that they will pay tribute to the director on the next episode of Scream. MTV’s Scream is based on Craven’s film franchise of the same name, which began in 1996 and continued until 2011 with Scream […]
Scream: The TV Series Season 1 Episode 8 Review – ‘Ghosts’
Martin Carr reviews the eighth episode of Scream: The TV Series… As we roll into the final few episodes Scream: The TV Series is gaining some serious momentum. Either putting Willa Fitzgerald through the Scream Queen wringer. Peppering the walls with Kubrick references, or employing strobe effects and pints of fake blood. Elsewhere however homages […]
Scream: The TV Series Season 1 Episode 7 Review – ‘In The Trenches’
Martin Carr reviews the seventh episode of Scream: The TV Series… When a twist makes you swear out loud, then someone, somewhere, did something right. Especially if that curveball is proper ‘Heath Robinson’. If I’ve lost you just Google the reference. Name checking The Expendables, Maze Runner and Shawshank in the space of five minutes […]
Scream: The TV Series Season 1 Episode 6 Review – ‘Betrayed’
Martin Carr reviews the sixth episode of Scream: The TV Series… Amadeus Serafini is an anomaly. Part Christian Slater during his Nicholson phase, with a smidgen of Jason Patric pre Speed 2 and post Lost Boys. Noticeable only for his absence from my reviews, Serafini has floated around on the periphery having little impact for […]
Scream: The TV Series Season 1 Episode 5 Review – ‘Exposed’
Martin Carr reviews the fifth episode of Scream: The TV Series… Webs of deceit are quickly unravelling this week in an episode where no one gets killed. Now I know the premise rests on someone regularly biting the dust, but every now and again it’s good to clean up. There are no film references or […]