Geoffrey Moore, son of the legendary James Bond actor Roger Moore, is set to follow in the footsteps of his father by taking on the role of a legendary MI5 agent in Knightfall, a new spy thriller from British production company Shogun Films (Renegades). Directed by Ben Mole (Code of Silence) and produced by Jonathan […]
Exclusive Interview – Jonathan Sothcott of Shogun Films
James Michaels caught up with Jonathan Sothcott, chairman of Shogun Films and veteran British producer whose credits include We Still Kill The Old Way, Vendetta, Nemesis and Renegades… The last time we spoke you were making the US-facing action movie Renegades and were firmly focused on that market – is that still the case? No, […]
Exclusive Interview – Actor Andy Gatenby
Up and coming actor Andy Gatenby stops by to chat about his career so far and his latest projects… Andy Gatenby won’t be the first person to transition from being a sportsman to becoming an actor. The former undefeated boxer and one-time reality TV star of Special Forces: Ultimate Hell Week, made the leap into […]
Shogun Films named UK’s Independent Film Production Company of the Year
Shogun Films, the indie film company focussed on action movies for the international market, has been named as the UK’s Independent Production Company of the Year at the prestigious Corporate LiveWire Global Awards in London. Founded by producer Jonathan Sothcott and his wife actress Jeanine Nerissa Sothcott, Shogun has already produced two movies in just […]
Being an Indie Genre Screenwriter
Tom Jolliffe on the ups and downs and ins and outs of being an indie screenwriter specialising in genre cinema… As a screenwriter plying my trade in the low budget world of independent genre films, quantifying success can be difficult. I’ve had a number of horror films released across the world in the last few […]