Having delivered one of the better video game adaptations with the original 2006 film, director Chirstophe Gans (Brotherhood of the Wolf) announced his Return to Silent Hill back in October of last year, and now comes official word on the film ahead of its production start in April. Return to Silent Hill, the third entry in […]
Christophe Gans will return to the fog to direct a Silent Hill movie sequel
Earlier in year Brotherhood of the Wolf and original Silent Hill director Christophe Gans announced that he had a sequel script written and ready to go, but you did wonder whether, much like the characters trapped in this tiny town of terror, it would ever see the light of day. Fear not, or fear a […]
Konami announces Silent Hill f, the first game from the series in over ten years
Following a decade of laying dormant the fog is descending once again with the news that Konami will release the first brand new Silent Hill title since 2012’s Downpour. Titled Silent Hill f, the game will relocate the action from the nightmarish dreamscape of the titular town to 1960’s Japan, and as part of Konami’s […]
Silent Hill director Christophe Gans has written a script for a new sequel
While rumours of a new Silent Hill videogame begin to emerge from the mist, director of the 2006 movie adaptation Christophe Gans has revealed that his has a script written and ready to go for a second sequel in the series. Before Pokémon and Sonic lifted the curse of videogame adaptations, hopes were high that […]
Video Game Movie Adaptations That Are Actually Worth Watching
We know, we know, the video game movie scene is even more notorious than the female superhero one. So many great video games chosen to be adapted into feature length films have had their very essence thrown into a grinder, leaving only a barebones replica for audiences to unsatisfyingly feast on. But sometimes critics can […]
Marvelous Alternate Dimension Horror Movies
Marvelous Videos presents horrific encounters from another dimension… The idea of alternate dimensions is both exciting and horrifying. That there are parallel Earths or phases of the universe that exist alongside ours is cool, but what changes could they have? And would their inhabitants be hostile, friendly, ambivalent, or even human? Science fiction has taken […]
What Are the Best Video Game Movies of All Time? | Flickering Myth Gaming Chat
When it comes to video game adaptations, Hollywood has certainly had its fair share of stinkers over the years. However, among the Street Fighter: The Movies, Super Mario Bros., and multitude of Uwe Boll travesties, there have been a handful of films which – while far from great – have managed to make a decent […]
Silent Hill arrives in Dead by Daylight Mobile
Behaviour Interactive has announced that Silent Hill is now available to download for their on-the-go asymmetrical 4v1 multiplayer horror game Dead by Daylight Mobile. Along with a new survivor, Silent Hill will bring the iconic Pyramid Head as the merciless killer out for blood. Pyramid Head, also known as The Executioner, is joined by survivor […]
The Five Best Video Game Movies Ever!
EJ Moreno on the best video game to movie adaptations… Crafting a good video game to movie adaptation is no easy task. Countless films have tried, and many have failed to live up to hype or expectations. Even if the film is solid, this movie sub-genre rarely gets the love of its peers like comic […]
Silent Hill coming to Dead by Daylight this June
Behaviour Interactive and Konami have announced that the iconic horror game Silent Hill will be making its way to the asymmetrical 4 v 1 game Dead by Daylight as the game’s latest chapter. This latest addition to the game will feature a new Silent Hill-inspired map, a mysterious survivor and a terrifying monster. The Silent […]