On Thursday evening, Thor: Ragnarok director Taika Waititi hosted a live viewing party of his 2017 Marvel blockbuster alongside stars Tessa Thompson and Mark Ruffalo, during which he shared a few tidbits of information on the next instalment of the God of Thunder’s solo series, Thor: Love and Thunder. “It’s like 10-year-olds told us what […]
The Silver Surfer joins Marvel Contest of Champions
As the game celebrates its 5th anniversary, Kabam has announced that the Silver Surfer has joined the Battlerealm in the latest update for the mobile fighting game Marvel Contest of Champions. Check out Silver Surfer’s gameplay trailer, bio, and stats and abilities here… To protect his planet from certain Annihilation, Norrin Radd relinquished his life […]
Comic Book Preview – Annihilation: Scourge – Silver Surfer #1
Annihilation: Scourge – Silver Surfer #1 is out in comic book shops this coming Wednesday, and you can take a look at a preview of the issue here courtesy of Marvel Comics… The Scourge is closing in, wreaking havoc across the galaxy. The Silver Surfer has returned in time to bear witness to the Scourge’s […]
Marvel rumoured to be developing a Silver Surfer movie
While Kevin Feige teased the impending arrival of the X-Men and Fantastic Four into the Marvel Cinematic Universe during Marvel’s San Diego Comic-Con panel in July, we still don’t have any idea as to how and when the studio intends on introducing the characters from Disney’s Fox acquisition into the wider MCU. However, according to […]
Comic Book Preview – Silver Surfer: The Prodigal Sun #1
Silver Surfer: The Prodigal Sun #1 hits comic book stores this coming Wednesday, and we’ve got a preview of the issue for you here courtesy of Marvel Comics; take a look… CHAPTER 2 OF 3! Continuing Prodigal’s journey home from FANTASTIC FOUR: THE PRODIGAL SUN #1, the one individual who can aid him in accomplishing […]
Fox’s Marvel projects “are being evaluated” by Disney and Marvel
With The Walt Disney Company’s acquisition of 20th Century Fox completing last month, Marvel Studios regained the rights to its various X-Men and Fantastic Four characters, meaning that the Marvel Cinematic Universe now has full access to (almost) all of the publisher’s inventory of superheroes and supervillains. As yet, there’s been no indication as to […]
The Sentinel of the Spaceways returning in Silver Surfer: Black
The official Marvel website has announced that Norrin Radd is set to make his return this June courtesy of writer Donny Cates and artist Tradd Moore with the new solo miniseries Silver Surfer: Black. “When Donny Cates wrote the first issue of the new Guardians of the Galaxy series, we both agreed that Silver Surfer’s […]
X-Men producer confirms Fox’s Marvel movies are on hold, The New Mutants in limbo
As Disney’s acquisition of 20th Century Fox’s film and TV assets draws ever closer towards completion, X-Men producer Lauren Shuler Donner has confirmed the recent rumours that Fox’s various Marvel movie projects are now on hold. “It’s all in Disney’s playground and they get to decide,” said Shuler Donner when asked about the status of […]
Fox reportedly pulls the plug on X-Force, Gambit, Doctor Doom and more ahead of Disney takeover
As we are quickly approaching the conclusion of Disney’s Fox takeover, it should come as no surprise that we are slowly learning more as to what the deal will entail. One aspect that fans are eagerly awaiting is the introduction of some of Marvel’s most popular characters into the Marvel Cinematic Continuity. Alongside obvious heavy […]
Adam McKay has spoken with Marvel about directing a Silver Surfer movie
According to Vice director Adam McKay, he has spoken with Marvel about potentially directing a Silver Surfer film. Although it’s not a done deal yet, it seems like the Fox Marvel characters are headed to the MCU and this means that Adam McKay (The Big Short) could potentially make that Silver Surfer film he has been […]