The Ascent, 2020. Directed by Tom Paton. Starring Rachel Warren, Toby Osmond, Shayne Ward, Simon Meacock, Sophie Austin, Samantha Schnitzler, Bentley Kalu, Alana Wallace, and Spencer Collings. SYNOPSIS: Special ops squad “Hell’s Bastards” are sent to infiltrate a civil war to retrieve intel. The unit soon find themselves trapped on a never-ending stairwell forced to […]
Action horror Black Ops gets a poster, trailer and images
After its festival run last year under the title of Stairs, Samuel Goldwyn Films is bringing writer-director Tom Paton’s action horror to U.S. audiences this June under the title of Black Ops, and you can check out a trailer, poster and promotional images for the release right here… SEE ALSO: Read our review of Black […]
Arrow Video Frightfest 2019 Review – Stairs
Stairs, 2019. Directed by Tom Paton Starring Samantha Schnitzler, Bentley Kalu, Shayne Ward, Simon Meacock, Toby Osmond, Phoebe Robinson-Galvin, Alana Wallace, Spencer Collings and Julia Szamalek SYNOPSIS: When a group of Special Ops soldiers nicknamed “The Hell Bastards” are compromised during an infiltration mission on the battlefield, they seek solace within the confines of a […]