Robert E. Howard’s Solomon Kane is back this week as Titan Comics launches the all new comic book series Solomon Kane: The Serpent Ring, and you can check out the official preview of the first issue below… The ‘Sword of Vengeance’ slashes into his own new series, SOLOMON KANE: THE SERPENT RING! Kane battles from […]
Comic Book Preview – The Savage Sword of Conan #1
Titan Comics and Heroic Signatures bring forth the return of The Savage Sword of Conan next week, and we have the official preview of the first issue of the all-new black and white anthology series for you below… Featuring a new CONAN epic from John Arcudi and Max Von Fafner, the rousing return of SOLOMON […]
Underappreciated Fantasy Movies That Were Scorned by Critics
Marvelous Videos presents fantasy movies at odds with critics… Sometimes there’s a disconnect between audiences and critics. Most of the time they’re on the same wavelength, but a few flicks every other year tend to produce opposing viewpoints. What one group finds pretentious, exhausting, or banal may be seen as smart, exciting, and enjoyable by […]
Marvel to team Conan with Moon Knight, Solomon Kane and Dark Agnes for Serpent War event
Hot on the heels of the news that Marvel will be introducing Robert E. Howard’s Solomon Kane and Dark Agnes into its comic book universe, the publisher has now announced that they will make their debut in Conan: Serpent War, a four issue event series which also features the character of Marc Spector, a.k.a. Moon […]
Robert E. Howard’s Solomon Kane and Dark Agnes coming to Marvel Comics
Having ushered in a new Age of Hyboria earlier this year after regaining the rights to Conan, Marvel has now announced that it is set to introduce more characters from the mind of Robert E. Howard to the Marvel comic book universe, beginning with Solomon Kane and Dark Agnes. “Our readers cannot get enough of […]
The Legend of Conan could launch Robert E. Howard cinematic universe
Marvel is doing it, DC is doing it, Transformers is doing it, Ghostbusters is doing it, so why not Conan the Barbarian and the various characters created by Robert E. Howard? According to Deadline (via Comic Book), Fredrick Malmberg has aquired the rights to Howard’s various creations, including Conan, Kull the Conqueror and Solomon Kane, […]