Hatching, 2022. Directed by Hanna Bergholm. Starring Jani Volanen, Siiri Solalinna, Sophia Heikkilä, Saija Lentonen, Reino Nordin, and Oiva Ollila. SYNOPSIS: A young gymnast who tries desperately to please her demanding mother discovers a strange egg. She hides it and keeps it warm, but when it hatches, what emerges shocks them all. The horror genre […]
Movie Review – Hatching (2022)
Hatching, 2022. Directed by Hanna Bergholm. Starring Siiri Solalinna, Sophia Heikkilä, Jani Volanen, Reino Nordin, Oiva Ollila, Saija Lentonen, Ida Määttänen, Stella Leppikorpi, Jonna Aaltonen, and Hertta Karen. SYNOPSIS: A young gymnast who tries desperately to please her demanding mother discovers a strange egg. She hides it and keeps it warm, but when it hatches, […]
Sundance horror Hatching cracks open a living nightmare with first trailer
Ahead of its virtual Sundance premiere next week, IFC Films has released a trailer for the Finnish creature horror Hatching which is directed by Hanna Bergholm and follows a 12-year-old Tinja (Siiri Solalinna) whose discovery of a mysterious egg in the woods turns into a grotesque living nightmare. Watch it here… In HATCHING, 12-year-old gymnast, […]