Dark Horse Comics releases Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #3 on Wednesday, and you can check out the official preview of the issue below… The fate of the scattered survivors of the Starlight Beacon disaster is slowly becoming more clear, as Zeen, Qort, and 5A-G3 must follow up every lead to find out who […]
Comic Book Preview – Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #2
Phase III of Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures continues next week as Dark Horse releases the second issue of the new series, and we have the official preview for you below; check it out… An angry mob of impoverished and destitute refugees have incited a fierce riot outside the mighty fortress on Bracrontas Zeen, […]
Dark Horse announces new Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures titles
Phase III of Star Wars: The High Republic is set to continue through two new comic titles from Dark Horse this year, with the publisher announcing the upcoming launch of the one-shot Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – Crash Landing and the four-issue limited series Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – Saber for […]
Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures Phase III to begin in December
Dark Horse Comics and Lucasfilm Publishing have announced that ‘Phase III’ of Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures is set to get underway in December with the launch of a new ongoing series from New York Times bestselling author Daniel Jose Older, artist Harvey Tolibao and colorist Michael Atiyeh. “I’m so thrilled to be teaming […]
Comic Book Preview – Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #5
Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #5 is out this Wednesday, and you can check out the official preview below courtesy of Dark Horse Comics… Jedi Padawan Sav Malagán remains torn between her devotion to The Force and adventurous spirit of youth. But to save her new-found pirate friends, led by the infamous Maz Kanata, […]
Comic Book Preview – Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – The Nameless Terror #4
Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – The Nameless Terror #4 is out on Wednesday, and we have the official preview for you below courtesy of Dark Horse Comics… Deep within the ruined spaceship, the secret of the Nameless is finally revealed. Trapped and surrounded by enemies, the Jedi Pathfinders and Path disciples fight desperately […]
Comic Book Preview – Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #4
Dark Horse Comics releases Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #4 this Wednesday, and you can check out the official preview of the issue below… Undercover Padawan Sav Malágan and pirate queen Maz Kanata have been working feverishly to uncover the plot of the Dank Graks, but when they finally discover the full extent of […]
Comic Book Preview – Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – Quest of the Jedi
Dark Horse Comics releases Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – Quest of the Jedi one-shot this coming Wednesday, and you can check out the official preview of the issue below… On the ancient world of Angcord, the Force works in unforeseen ways. When legendary Jedi Knight Barnabus Vim and his intrepid Padawan Bly arrive […]
Comic Book Preview – Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – The Nameless Terror #2
Dark Horse Comics releases Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – The Nameless Terror #2 this coming Wednesday, and you can check out the official preview of the issue below… ‘After the attack by the Path of the Open Hand, the Jedi mission to Dalna recuperate aboard the crashed spaceship. But they are far from […]
Comic Book Preview – Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #3
Dark Horse Comics releases Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #3 next week, and you can get an early sneak peek right now with the official preview below… Hidden aboard the Dank Graks ship, Sav, Maz Kanata, and her crew pause to plot their next move, while the villainous Arkik makes preparations to acquire a […]