Max has released a new trailer for The Pitt, the upcoming medical drama set in real time which follows the healthcare workers of a hospital in Pittsburgh and the challenges they face over a shift in the ER. The series stars Noah Wyle, Tracey Ifeachor, Patrick Marron Ball, Supriya Ganesh, Fiona Dourif, Taylor Dearden, Isa […]
Movie Review – Pinball: The Man Who Saved the Game (2023)
Pinball: The Man Who Saved the Game, 2023. Written and Directed by The Bragg Brothers. Starring Mike Faist, Crystal Reed, Dennis Boutsikaris, Kenneth Tigar, Mike Doyle, Damian Young, Bryan Batt, Connor Ratliff, Michael Kostroff, Christopher Convery, Rosa Arredondo, Eric William Morris, Supriya Ganesh, Connor Delves, Jake Regal, and Zac Jaffee. SYNOPSIS: The story of Roger […]